Donations Needed

Donations are need to assist students in need following disaster activity throughout the United States. Donations will be used to purchase backpacks and supplies for READ's disaster responses. Please donate by clicking the button below!

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Thank you for visiting our donation page. All donations fund our goal to restore educational function to schools, students, and families after natural disasters. 

We appreciate your support!
Restore Education After Disasters is a nonprofit 501(c)3 charitable organization. All donations are tax-deductible in accordance with state and federal laws. Donations are non-refundable.

How Far Can You Donation Go?

Your donation will help READ with their mission: for example, 

- an elementary school aged child can have a drawstring backpack filled with 2 pencils, a large pink eraser, a pencil sharpener, a box of  8 crayons, a spiral notebook, an art journal, scissors, ruler, a glue stick, and a pencil pouch for $10.00. For a $30 donation, you will provide supplies for 3 children. 

- a middle school/high school aged child can have a drawstring backpack filled with 2 pencils, 2 pens, a highlighter, a box pf colored pencils, a spiral bound notebook, a composition book, sticky notes, index cards, ruler, and a pencil pouch for $10.00. For a $50 donation, you will provide supplies for 5 children.

The larger the donation, the more children can have the needed school supplies during a disaster response. Additional needs, which will require larger monetary donations, include such items as temporary classroom shelters, mobile office, and power generators.