Tornado Response - KY/AR

On the evening of December 10, early morning of December 11, a series of tornados caused extensive damage in Arkansas, Kentucky and Tennessee. Over the past week, READ has reached out to many districts in the affected areas, and to date has had responses from four of them. All of them have  needs for their students that have been displaced due to the tornado damage. Hundreds of children were impacted, therefore on December 27, co-founders Anthony Williams and Craig Floyd will travel from California to the affected areas to deliver drawstring backpacks with school supplies to the various districts.  

READ was formed due to a fire severely damaging the school that Craig attended and works for. Due to the extensive knowledge he gained while assisting in the school's recovery efforts, he wanted a find a way to share that information with others and help students return to a sense of normalcy. The upcoming response will be the second time READ has supplied backpacks for  tornado recovery efforts having previously sent backpacks to Alabama back in the spring. Anthony and Craig's trip will allow them to get a better sense of what it will take for a full fledged response in the future. Additionally, their travels may be followed on READ's social media platforms and on the READ website:

In order for READ to continue to grow and provide assistance to those children impacted by natural disasters, the continued assistance of family, friends, and followers is needed. Please donate to this great cause at For every $5 donated, a student may receive a drawstring back with school supplies. Over the past year READ has received enough donations to supply 1000 backpacks, many of which will be delivered in the coming weeks.