Baby Steps

When I envisioned READ, I had lofty goals. Ones that could not be easily attained with a lot of work. Unfortunately, enough work has not occurred to put READ in position to truly respond to disasters, YET! Over the past week, I have become more engaged with moving READ forward. I have begun working through FEMA courses to better understand incident response and the incident command structure. I have worked to increase social media posts to get READ's message out more to the public. We have begun to identify key members to add to our READ team to create our response structure. We had student volunteers assist in packing backpacks for middle/high school students. With Giving Tuesday in a little more than two weeks, we are planning how to use our financial resources to prepare for a response. We are committed to make READ what it is meant to be in order to help students regain a sense of normalcy after natural disasters. It will happen, but we need to take baby steps and not get ahead of yourselves.- Craig Floyd (co-Founder/CEO)