2nd Anniversary

READ celebrated its 2nd anniversary on February 18, 2022. While it has been a slow go due to COVID, much was accomplished in year 2. READ was able to raise over $6,000 which was used to purchase school supplies and drawstring backpacks for children in need impacted by natural disasters. Student volunteers were organized to pack the backpacks and over 1,000 backpacks were delivered to children following tornado disasters. An additional 1,000 have been packed and are on hand for when the next disaster response is needed.

Donations continue to come in through Amazon Smile purchases and READ has joined Give Lively to receive donations made by donors through their mobile devices. READ is continuing to look for partnership opportunities and is excited for what is to come in 2022. Please hep support us in our  mission by donating to our cause. Donations are welcome from our webpage: www.read.ngo/donate, via text: text READ2ND to 44-321 to receive a link for a mobile donation, or through Amazon Smile: https://smile.amazon.com/ch/84-4994797

Thank you to everyone who has supported READ to date!